Wednesday, June 16, 2010

So frustrated with U.S

Today I found out that Johnson & Johnson and Wal-Mart are being sued for using methylede in their BABY products, specifically their bath wash. According to OSHA, methylede is a chemical used in paint removers and metal cleaners amongst other uses where you need to wear a mask. This is a chemical agent known to be a possible cause of cancer. It's frustrates me that I've been using Johnson & Johnson night-time baby wash on my daughter for over a year! So suffice to say, Mary and I are going to Henry's Farmers Market and looking for another bath soap.

Then I read an article on Yahoo:

This talks about how fish, other sea mammals, and birds are swimming closer to the shore, the numbers of fish migrating towards the shore are growing and that is not a good thing. It's a sign that the Gulf is dead or dying...these fish and animals are not frickin stupid, they know when their home is too polluted to live in and they are trying to find better accommodations.

What I am so mad about is why is it taking so long to clean up? Why is it two months later and Kevin frickin Costner is the one with the solution? Why did we leave it to BP to clean in the first place? They should definitely pay for it in full and then some, but why weren't oceanographers and other scientists put on it immediately? Sea life is DYING!!! Most don't care now, but just wait, this is just the beginning if we don't get a frickin handle on this like yesterday!

I don't believe in the whole 2012 conspiracies of the world ending, but if I did, this would definitely be the first sign of it going down.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree! This spill is a crazy situation that has gotten out of control and gone on for too long.
